Harry Potter, etc.I finally got my copy of
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince this week. It was supposed to have arrived Saturday, but didn't get here 'til Tuesday. I read 1/4 on Tuesday, 1/4 on Wednesday. I didn't read any last night...poker night down at the local bar., finished it about a half-hour ago. Favorite quote from the book was from Dumbledore, when asked if was feeling alright after he was in the bathroom so long ... "No, I was merely reading Muggle magazines", said Dumbledore. "I do love knitting patterns".
In other news, Mike Harris came in to town on his way to a field trip in the Yukon. I think it's the first time I've ever seen him without any beard...he looks really weird...like guys always do when they all-of-a-sudden show up without facial hair.
On the gardening front, we've been harvesting more cucumbers that were even BIGGER than the ones in the last entry. We got our first green peppers, and cherry tomatos are only a couple of days away. Yum!!!
Bandit goes in for her mid-summer shave tomorrow. Maria has been looking for a new car, and I'm going to go test driving with her while Bandit is getting groomed.
That's it for now....TTFN